The Membership Committee provides regular membership reports to the Executive Board; works to maintain membership through retention efforts; works to increase efforts to support recruitment of new and diverse members; seeks feedback from members and non-members regarding involvement in Chapter events; and reviews membership efforts of other Chapters. The committee also works to increase the number of student members by recommending, developing and/or implementing new initiatives, programs, or strategies.
The Education / Training Committee identifies, develops and supports the implementation of educational opportunities within the Chapter. Work with technical subcommittees to identify educational topics of interest to the membership. Coordinate with Conference Planning Committee to provide technical topics for conferences. The committee also works with the Publicity / Newsletter Committee to promote educational opportunities and education resources that a Chapter member may require.
The Awards Committee solicits and administers the Chapter’s annual awards program recognizing outstanding individuals, agencies and projects representing the best in the public works profession. Committee also works to nominate individuals, agencies or projects for National APWA awards. Committee works with the Publicity / Newsletter Committee to provide recognition to award recipients.
The Publicity / Newsletter Committee works to provide and distribute professional communications that support and promote the mission and goals of the Chapter to our members, committees and interested parties. Committee maintains an effective Chapter website with current information about the Chapter including training opportunities through the Chapter and with partner organizations; publishes a quarterly Chapter newsletter; and promotes and advertises Chapter related events through the website and local media.
The Conference Planning and Special Events Committee plans, organizes, and assists in the management of the Chapter’s spring and fall conference programs, the annual golf outing, National Public Works Week activities and coordinates with LTAP on the Winter Maintenance Workshop.
The Strategic Planning Committee works to implement the current Strategic Plan and review/revise the Chapter’s Strategic Plan a minimum of every five years. Committee provides regular updates to the Executive Board as to the progress of current Strategic Plan initiatives.